How to switch to a new interest?
The new interest rates charged to borrowers expect old katantararkalum. However, the switch to the new interest rate of 'conversion' Please speak on behalf of the banks.
Like 'Conversion' outstanding loan amount to be charged in accordance with the conversion. The interest rate on conversion of lowering the interest rate difference a few years can be seen in the new customers and old customers. 'Conversion' is the solution to the questions that arise when customers? What is the process for the banks?
Concession to newcomers?
How many times 'conversion' kuraittukkontalum paid interest rate, the interest rate for new borrowers being less aluttukkolvarkal old creditors. The interest rate is currently 9.95 percent of older borrower for example 'conversion' down by 8.95 per cent, 8.85 per cent interest rate on banks for the new homeowner. In such cases, bankers say that the need to access a bank to reduce interest rates.
How many times 'conversion' kuraittukkontalum paid interest rate, the interest rate for new borrowers being less aluttukkolvarkal old creditors. The interest rate is currently 9.95 percent of older borrower for example 'conversion' down by 8.95 per cent, 8.85 per cent interest rate on banks for the new homeowner. In such cases, bankers say that the need to access a bank to reduce interest rates.
'Conversion' is dismissed
Without any outstanding housing loan monthly payment of the purchased banks that provide customers think some concessions. For example 'conversion' fee will be waived for customers to remember more than that. But it is not true. In such cases, you can go to the bank, "the interest rate your bank is high. No other change to the bank balance, "Look at that. Maybe the 'conversion' of some banks to reduce interest rates on discounted rates. But it can not say for sure what will happen. One can be tried.
Interest reduce objections?
You will see a message that housing loan interest rate reduction. A decreasing term interest rate premium that will be paid will be reduced or put on you account. Well, 'conversion' to do this by going to the bank. 'Conversion' from the old katantararana ready to pay the price for you to do if the banks refuse to lower interest rate? This has happened to many customers. In fact, they have no moral right to deny any bank. If so, perhaps, the only solution is to look for the remaining balance to another bank marrikkolvatakac.
Check orientation of interest
One thing many home loan customers know what to think? But, it's wrong. Every time you 'conversion' interest rate reduction will happen by doing. If you understand what the interest rate is determined by how you understand everything.
A few years ago bought a substance in addition to the price. The same material is now available for less than the price. The same is true for new home buyers and low interest rate loans, bankers say.
It is possible to object to; How is this possible you might ask tamil interest rate. The 'Marginal Cost lentin rettan (Marginal cost lending rate)' cause. If so, what?
Prime lentin rate in a period (ie, the interest rate on loans minute) through a home loan, auto loan interest rate is fixed. Then the 'Base Rate' (basic interest rate) was determined based on the interest rate.
Currently Marginal Cost (cost) of the loan interest rate lentin rate (emcielar.) The Reserve Bank has introduced. Through this fund, etc. is deposited to banks ciarar when calculating costs.
This new procedure due to the new home loan, auto loan interest rate for buyers is reduced slightly. Katantararkalukkuk is less than the old.
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